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Voronet Monastery

In 1488, the ruler Stephan the Great built Voronet Monastery at the advice of Daniil Sihastrul, its trustful adviser. It was built in less then four months, between May 26 and September 14 of the same year. The monastery is considered by many experts to be the quintessence of the Moldavian architectural style: a synthesis of Byzantine elements (the foundation is in the shape of a white clover, with a tower right above the nave) and gothic elements (arks and columns).

Voronet Monastery is considered to be the ,,Sistine Chapel of the Orient” for its big fresco on the Western facade, named afterward judgment’s day”. Furthermore „the blue of Voronet” is considered by the specialists to be unique in the world, and as known as Rubes red or the Veronese green. The ,,tree of Jesse” or the genealogy of our Redeemer Jesus the Christ is presented on the blue background and the Greek Latin philosophers are painted on the column. We can see Aristotle and Plato and on the lateral apse the ,,ascetic face of St. Onufrie” draws the attention.